My Story
Hello, I am Courage.

I have often been Fear, but decided to change my story. Like most people, I have experienced trauma and wounding along with the sunshine and immense joy of my life. In many ways it has kept me very afraid deep inside of shining and twinkling like the diamond I am, like the diamonds we all are.
I continue to practice shifting and reframing my wounding so that it is not my only story; the primary story; the overarching or underlying story. We often live through the filter of our unconscious stories, usually spun in childhood and young adulthood, in place of living authentically and courageously in the present moment. Traumatic experiences at any point in life often leave us stuck in our unconscious stories.
The Expressive Arts provide safe space for bringing these stories to light. It provides creative means for accessing, exploring and integrating our inner lives. It reveals us to ourselves, and as the light shines in these places, we heal and experience our wholeness and connections.
I have spent a lot of my time experiencing anxiety and nervousness in my inner life. It is often simply the experience of a fast-moving unbalanced world alongside deep sensitivities. I function well in the world, but my inner experience can feel tense, dark or tangled. I am often ensnared in debilitating conversations with the Inner Critic and Shadow Self.
I can find myself projecting the old stories instead of embracing presence and intention in the moment. I desire so much more inner freedom. I am talking about choosing courage often enough to live a life of fierce honesty and authenticity. I’m talking about pursuing the dreamiest of dreams, being deeply true to oneself and honoring the wondrous beauty all around us.
I’m talking about living a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.
- Elizabeth Gilbert in Big Magic
So that’s it. I still find fear, struggle and anxiety in my days. Those are part of everyone’s story. But I am consciously choosing curiosity, dreams, nature, creativity and soul purpose over fear. It takes tremendous daily effort.
Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
- Maya Angelou
I have befriended my shadows and am moving forward. I cannot hide any longer from what is calling me. There is a wildness inside of me that will not be tamed by modern life. There is a fierce love for myself and others that cannot be suffocated by mindlessness or limiting dialogue that says, “I am not enough.”
I am alive and awake. I feel the call of the Earth. She wants us back. She longs to be reconnected. We know in our hearts and our bones that we need each other. Healing ourselves and the planet are like two cheeks on the same loving face.
I say all this here to say: I know pain and heartache. I know what it’s like to feel there is more. I am here to create authentic offerings that help us relax, grow and heal our old stuff. I know Truth and Beauty and I want us all to have more of it. I want us to have more time filled with love, compassion and forgiveness of ourselves because that is our birthright. We experience peace within that love.
When we reclaim our deep and wondrous hearts for ourselves, we will be able to extend it to others and the Earth. We are all in this together. I still get nervous and scared, but there is Beauty I want to share, so I practice being brave. The Beauty is inside us and we can touch and taste it through the simplest acts of creative expression...